Many of us are making plans for Christmas.
It is true there’s hunger and hardship but there’re still plans to celebrate or ‘mark’ the season.
Depending on the bracket you belong, you will plan to have a good time – a good time based on what you can afford. Some may kill a cow, turkey, chicken, fish or vegetable. Yes, you can ‘kill’ vegetable if that’s all you can afford so that there’s something to chew in your stew.
Some people may not even be able to afford stew to go with the rice because things are tough. But cook rice they will. Rice is for Christmas. But how will they also get the rice?
Back in those days, even if what you really felt like eating was pounded yam, because it was Christmastime, you must eat rice. With turkey or chicken. Some richer families will kill goat.
So what are you preparing to do this Christmas?
Whatever you are planning for yourself and family, remember there are millions of families and individuals out there who would not know whether it’s Christmas or not. It may be your neighbour, co-tenant, colleague, driver, gateman, gardener. It may even be your friend who is too ashamed to ask for help; an area boy or girl whom you have tagged as ‘never-do-well’; the blind or lame beggar by the street corner.
In a country where the minimum wage is under N20,000 and people cannot afford two meals a day, not many people can afford to buy a bag of rice, no matter what size, to have a good Christmas.
There are several old people’s homes, rehabilitation centres, facilities for blind and physically disabled persons, orphans and widows who cannot have a good Christmas without help from an able-bodied person like you.
There are also people who are bereaved at this time and to whom Christmas may be far from their minds because of grief.
Make a decision today – give someone a treat. Let them know it’s Christmas.
Don’t eat alone! There’s beauty in sharing and showing love to those in need.
Thank you for remembering to share what you have this Christmas. There’s still time to re-make your Christmas plans and include those in need in it. Help them know it’s Christmas!